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amazon smile logo.  The words amazon smile on one line with a stylized smile beneath the word amazon.  Smaller print underneath says:  You shop. Amazon gives.

ADA is on Amazon Smile!


Amazon donates 0.5% of the price of your eligible purchases to ADA.


Amazon Smile is the same Amazon you know: same vast selection of products and exact same prices. It's easy, it costs you nothing, and your purchases will support ADA's efforts to explode myths about disability by providing the accommodations people need to work, play, learn, and grow.


About AmazonSmile | Benefit Adaptive Design| Shop now

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ADA is on iGive!


Help Adaptive Design every time you shop online, it's all free and so easy to start giving all year round.  The stores paticipate because they want you to like them and shop at them again and again. Nearly 2000 stores donate 0.5% to 5.0%, with special promotions at much higher rates.  It's amazing how fast little donations can add up!


To learn more or sign up now, use this link:

All about iGive

A bracelet, in bright green plastic, is a 3-layer spiral.  Each layer is 2 flat strips, connected by a zigzag strip, suggesting corrugated cardboard.  The shapeways logo -- the word Shapeways followed by a smal blue star--appears above the bracelet.

Shop Shapeways for ADA!


Buy unique jewelry items to benefit Adaptive Design: Six items, available in a range of materials, colors, and sizes, in styles based on ADA themes, like corrugated cardboard and Tangible Symbol Cues.


Shapeways is a 3D printing service that also hosts a marketplace where designers of 3D printed items can sell their wares.  They offered Adaptive Design the services of a designer to help us create six unique items of our own, plus our own digital store in which to sell them.  When you purchase, they retain only to cost of production and donate all profit to ADA.


Visit the Adaptive Design store to see the collection and make a purchase.


© 2019 by Adaptive Design Association


Adaptive Design Association Inc.

313 West 36th Street, New York, NY 10018

Tel:  212 904 1200   Fax: 212 904 1700

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Adaptive Design Association
is a 501c3 organization

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