Cardboard carpentry is at the heart of what Adaptive Design does. Cardboard is an ideal material for people who are not experienced builders to get started designing and building adaptations. Like any other material, it has unique properties that must be learned in order to use it effectively. Similarly, design skills must be learned. When you're making a one-of-a-kind item, you won' t have a pattern or template to follow. Knowing what you want to build is not the same as knowing how to build it.
These courses teach skills that can be applied to nearly any situation, not recipes to follow. By the end of the introductory series, most people will be able to build simple adaptations independently using simple tools and easy-to-obtain materials. From there, further skill and confidence is achieved in the tried-and-true way: practice, practice, practice. Guided practice, in proximity to experts, is available through Advanced Learning Labs, but many people are comfortable practicing on their own. Others don't intend to build things themselves, but find that the courses help them become better requesters of adaptations: to envisage what kinds of items might be of benefit to an individual and what kind of adaptations are feasible, so they can collaborate with builders to see that specific needs get met.
Many who take these courses are therapists and other professionals in health care and education. Others are parents of children who need adaptations, contractors, designers, retired people from many fields, college students in many fields, and so on. The only requirements are interest and a willingness to try something unfamiliar.
DAY 1: Cardboard Basics in Adaptive Design
Earn 0.5 AOTA CEU*
Learning Objectives: Understand a child’s unique equipment needs. Participants use hand tools and single-layer cardboard to create a mock-up of a user-specific seat insert and practice writing a justification for the adaptation.
Ideal for occupational and physical therapy practitioners, teachers, students, and parents.
Course time: 10:00 a.m.- 4:00 p.m. with 1 hour lunch break
Fee: $225, includes material costs
Click the register button for a full description, dates, and available discounts. If none of the posted dates work for you, please give us a call. We may be able to accommodate you.

DAY 2: Making Adaptive Equipment Work
Earn 0.5 AOTA CEU*
Prerequisite: Day 1-Cardboard Basics
In addition to Learning Objectives listed in the Day 1 Course, participants will understand the step-by-step process of creating customized adaptations, from assessment to delivery of final item. Participants learn to make a basic adaptation--a footrest, easel, or monitor stand--while delineating the process of revising the IEP or service plan, in order to list, justify, and ensure the provision of customized adaptive equipment.
Ideal for occupational and physical therapy practitioners, teachers, students, and parents
Course time: 10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. with 1 hour lunch break
Fee: $225, includes material costs
Click the register button for a full description, dates, and available discounts. If none of the posted dates work for you, please give us a call. We may be able to accommodate you.

DAY 3: Adaptive Devices Made To Fit
Earn 0.5 AOTA CEU*
Prerequisite: Day 2-Making Adaptive Equipment Work
In addition to the Learning Objectives listed in the Day 1 and Day 2 courses, participants create and test devices for specific children, write justifications, and explore adaptations created for individual needs in academics, ADLs, communication, music, and art.
Ideal for occupational and physical therapy practitioners, teachers, students, and parents
Course time: 10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. with 1 hour lunch break
Fee: $150, includes material costs
Click the register button for a full description, dates, and available discounts. If none of the posted dates work for you, please give us a call. We may be able to accommodate you.

Available for those who are experienced in cardboard carpentry or have completed Adaptive Design's 3-day series of courses within the last year or two.
Using our workshop and tools, participants work semi-independently to develop their design and fabrication skills, with ADA's fabricators nearby to teach new skills and help over any rough spots.
Most often, participants come with an idea for an adaptation for a client or family member and build it during the Lab. Complex projects may require more than one day to build. Please tell us about your project beforehand so we may estimate the amount of skill and time needed to complete it.
Fee: $100 per day. Materials for a typical project are included. Projects requiring large amounts of materials, or items not normally stocked in the workshop may incur a fee.
Flexible dates. Please call to schedule before registering for a specific date.

Check out our Cardboard Carpentry Learning Library for videos that can show you some of the basics--from making your own Tri-Wall® cardboard to finishing techniques. Or--have a look at the booklet Building with Cardboard: Quick-start manual for experienced builders.
We can schedule multiple courses back-to-back to maximize your time here.
The Adaptive Design Association reserves the right to cancel any training due to insufficient registration or extenuating circumstances and in such cases will reschedule or provide a full tuition refund, as the registrant prefers.
Deadline for registration is one week prior to the course. Cancellation will be accepted until that deadline minus a $20 administrative fee. After the deadline, no refunds are made but in some circumstances, a registrant may move the registration to another date. Please call to discuss.
Please let us know if you require special assistance accessing course materials or participating in learning activities.
*The assignment of AOTA CEUs does not imply endorsement of specific course content, products, or clinical procedures by AOTA.