PBS NEWSHOUR, January, 2016
MacArthur fellow Alex Truesdell sees a world of possibilities in a simple piece of cardboard.
At her Adaptive Design Association, cardboard furniture and learning tools are built for children with disabilities to help them realize their potential. Special correspondent Jackie Judd reports.

The New York Times - June, 2018
The Design of Childhood: How the Material World Shapes Independent Kids, book by Alexandra Lange
Article about Alex Truesdell in Chapter 2: House. Bloomsbury Publishing: New York, Jun 2018, pp. 117-122
El Diario - December, 2016
Con cartón corrugado fabrican equipos para ayudar a discapacitados (English translation)
Chronicle of Philanthropy - May 2016
Using Cardboard and Ingenuity to Help Kids in Need
CSA News - Council of School Supervisors and Administrators - Apr 2016
From Cardboard and Trailers, A Mission to Build Independence
Time Warner Cable News, NY1 - February, 2016
How Adaptive Design Association Changed a Woman’s Life with Simple Creation
Time Warner Cable News, NY1 - January, 2016
Adaptive Design Creates Cardboard Devices to Improve a Child’s Life
Time Warner Cable News, NY1 - January, 2016
Company Uses Cardboard to Create Unique Products That Aim to Improve Lives
PBS NewsHour - January 2016:
For Children with Disabilities, Making the World Custom Fit Out of Cardboard
TechRepublic - December, 2015
Alex Truesdell: Maker. Adaptive designer. Advocate for children with special needs
Touro College Student Occupational Therapy Assn - August 2015
OT Practice - May, 2015
By Design: Assistive Technology Group Helps OTs Sharpen Adaptive Equipment Skills
School Library Journal - May 2015
How Brooklyn Special Ed Students Built a Library; The Maker Issue
NHK Cosmo Media @NYC - November 8, 2014
Featured segment about Adaptive Design aired in Japan
Epoch Times - October, 2014
Charity Auction Raises Funds to Build Customized Equipment for Disabled Children
Olin College Adaptation + Ability Group - September 2014
Low Tech Engineering with Adaptive Design Association
Adaptive Design and our local partnerships
New York Times - July, 2014
Using Cardboard to Bring Disabled Children Out of the Exile of Wrong Furniture
Huffington Post - October, 2013
Art and Resourcefulness Serving Humanity
Partners of the Americas - June, 2013
What Works: Alex Truesdell and Adaptive Design
New York Special Child - Summer, 2012​
Custom Care
Council of School Supervisors & Administrators - August 12, 2011​
It's Cardboard
Huffington Post- January, 2011
NYC Adaptive Design Group for Special Needs Kids Set to Expand Globally
​Ventilator-Assisted Living - January 5, 2009​
Crafting in Cardboard
Boing Boing - December 10, 2008​
Adaptive Design Association: Make Magazine Meets the AMA
Village Voice - Nov 26, 2008
A Thanksgiving NYC Honor Roll for Hard Times​
​New York Daily News - October 5, 2006
Boxy Lady​

Crain’s New York Business - June 6, 2005
What Makes New York New York
Advance for Occupational Therapy Practitioners, Vol. 21 Issue 9 - May 2, 2005
Building on Possibilities

On September 29, 2015 Alex Truesdell, founder and director of Adaptive Design, learned that she had been awarded a prestigious MacArthur Foundation fellowship. This link is the official award announcement: