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If you plan to watch several videos, you may prefer to view the which contains all 33 videos, in order, with notes and comments not viewable here.
1.1 Grain strength
1.2 Layering triple-wall cardboard with white glue
1.3 Layering cardboard in one direction or cross grain
1.4 Making homemade multi-wall cardboard from a re-purposed box
2.1 Measuring with a T-square ruler
2.2 Measuring with a tape measure
2.3 Measuring angles with a protractor
3.1 Cutting with a utility knife
3.2 Cutting with a steak knife
3.3 Cutting with a jigsaw
3.4 Cutting with a bandsaw
4.1 Bending single-wall cardboard
4.2 Bending triple-wall cardboard
4.2 Bending triple-wall cardboard II
5.1 Adding internal support
5.2 Removing layers of cardboard
5.3 Assembling with hot glue
5.4 Assembling with white and hot glue
6.1 Making nails I
6.2 Making nails II
6.3 Adding nails
6.4 Substituting chopsticks for nails
7.1 Tearing strips of paper for edging
7.2 Edging with strips of paper
7.3 Edging with packing tape
7.4 Edging with masking tape
8.1 Sanding by hand
8.2 Evening surfaces with a hammer
8.3 Using putty to fill gaps and reinforce edges
9.1 Priming with water-based primer
9.2 Painting and sponging with water-based paint
9.3 Decorating with water-based paint
9.4 Finishing with water-based polyurethane